ji yao meaning in English
- This paper discusses the tremendous achievements focused on analysis of book - compilation gu zuyu had made , and stresses the features of compilation on his book 《 du shi fang yu ji yao 》
本文论述顾祖禹在图书编撰方面取得的巨大成就,着重分析了著作《读史方舆纪要》在图书编撰方面的特点。 - In ancient times , there were some research works about northern diet culture such as the 《 qi min yao shu 》 , 《 cui shi shi jing 》 , 《 bei fang sheng jiang fa 》 of north wei period , 《 nong sang ji yao 》 , 《 wang zheng nong shu 》 of yuan dynasty , 《 sui yuan shi dan 》 of qing dynasty , in 《 shi huo zhi 》 of " er shi wu shi " and some historical book all concern these contents
中国饮食文化,在古代就有比较系统的研究著作,涉及北方游牧民族的饮食著作有北魏的《齐民要术》 、 《崔氏食经》 、 《北方生酱法》 ,元代的《农桑辑要》 、 《王祯农书》 、 《农桑衣食撮要》 、 《饮膳正要》 ,清代的《随园食单》等。